Jay Sitaram Credit Co - Operative Society Limited - Junagadh


            As a result of economic and social imbalance due to the industrial revolution, co operative movement in India started. Co operative societies have made a special place in the capitalist countries.

            The word 'Co-operative' work together'. This means that a person who wants to work together for equal economic purpose can make a commitee. This is called 'co operative Society'. It is a voluntary organization of Individuals who work for their financial interests. It works on the principal of self-help and mutual aid. No member in the co-operative society does not work for personal gain. All its members collect their resources and get some benefits using their maximum, which they share among themselves.

            Co-operative society is a type of organization in which the person works together with his will, on the basis together with his will, on the basis of equality, for his economic interests.

JAY SITARAM CREDIT CO OPERATIVE SOCIETY LIMITED - JUNAGADH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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JAY SITARAM CREDIT CO OPERATIVE SOCIETY LIMITED - JUNAGADH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------